What started as a blog to record the progress of my camper redo, has become more of a journal of sorts.

The mind of Shellee, aka Sommy, aka Bubba, aka Swannie Bob, is not an organized, neat little space. It is, however fun and full of totally bizarre and sometimes illogical thoughts.

Beginning posts will reflect that remodel journey, but transform into an outlet for my rambling mind to unload.

I reserve the right to do a little venting, rambling, bragging, griping, etc. at anytime on issues other than the Hag Wagon! Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah...leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and any ideas or suggestions!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Paint day!!

Its been a long day of glamper revamping. But a very productive one! 

I started sort of early this morning. 10:00ish? That's early for a weekend, right? 

Worked on MORE patching, and MORE sanding. Dicky promised me we could get painted this weekend, and I was determined not to be the cause of us not getting to it. Sooooo, I worked my tail off til around 10:30 or so (Don't judge! It's not the amount of time, it's the amount of work that counts!) 

Anyway, so Dicky calls me in for breakfast. (Yes, breakfast. Quit interrupting, I've got a cool story going here.) And as I'm eating, my mom calls.

"We're going to Lubbock. Do y'all need anything?" she so kindly asks. ( Have I mentioned how much I love my momma! AND my daddy too!) 

Well, Dicky had taken down a rotted 1x4 from the ceiling. (To all you non-carpenters, that's a board.) We found and "old but good" one in the yard he said would work,  but as I'm talking to Mother, Dicky decides he needs new ones, not the old one we just five minutes before determined would work. And any one who knows our history knows we could haul a refrigerator, two cords of wood, and a bedroom suit home from Lubbock on a unicycle, so of course he thinks there's no reason my parents can't bring home two 1"x4"x6' boards in their car. (Just last year we toted five sycamore trees home in my Nissan Altima coup. Look em up, they are not large cars. You'll be impressed.)

I ignored him. "No, thanks! We have what we need here." 

This is where it get awesome! I mean REALLY awesome! 

I look up and glance past him and leaning on the wall, in OUR living room....
Do you see it???
No JOKE! I kid you not! There was a 6ft 1x4 brand new! Neither of us know where it came from, remember buying it, and most certainly don't remember bringing it in the house!

So maybe you aren't impressed. But we were! It was pretty weird and great all at once! (I'm easily amused, obviously.)
I told him that goes to show, "God WANTS me to work on my camper today!!"  (And HE wanted Dicky to help!!)
Dicky disagreed with my theory, but he certainly got up off his duff and came to help me!! 

A couple of "before" pictures...with many, many patches.

I would have taken a few pictures of myself hard at work, but...
..and Dicky didn't offer. So it actually looks like he's doing all the work. Sneaky little bugger, I think he planned it that way. But don't bee fooled, my friends! I'm a hard working gal!

Here's the camera hog getting his paint on!
I think I'll interrupt this update now to give a shout out to my sweet friend, Thressa Baker! She made me the cutest towel for the wagon! I can't wait to hang it up!
I'm in love!

Another shout out to my super duper mother-in-law, Marie! She finished the cushions, but you don't get a peek at those until I get them in the camper.
OK...back to the update... Still some touch up to do, trim and such. Knobs purchased and need to be put on. And you can't see it in the pics, but the drawers had the coolest trim that I painted bright red, and need to put back on. But major interior painting is DONE!
My camera on my phone is taking kind of dark pics today. I'll brighten up the next ones, but I'm so HAPPY! And all kidding aside, my babe is the BOMB DIGGITY! Thank you, Honey!
I'm hoping for electricity and windows soon!!(This week, Babe? Pretty please?)  We aren't fast, but we're getting there!

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