What started as a blog to record the progress of my camper redo, has become more of a journal of sorts.

The mind of Shellee, aka Sommy, aka Bubba, aka Swannie Bob, is not an organized, neat little space. It is, however fun and full of totally bizarre and sometimes illogical thoughts.

Beginning posts will reflect that remodel journey, but transform into an outlet for my rambling mind to unload.

I reserve the right to do a little venting, rambling, bragging, griping, etc. at anytime on issues other than the Hag Wagon! Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah...leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and any ideas or suggestions!

Friday, March 14, 2014

My first post!! It's kind of exciting!

I'm off work for Spring Break and I have so many projects rolling around in my mind. First and foremost...MY CAMPER!!!

Ain't she a beauty? Yeah...me too...but I'm talking about the camper.

I guess I should start with a little history. I'd been telling Dicky how cool it would be to have a little camper in the back yard to fix up and have as a "girl cave". (Except I think I've lived with Dicky too long, because the term "girl cave", in keeping with a man's right to his "man cave" just sounds dirty. Or at least it will as soon as any man gets ahold of the name. Or at least it will as soon as any of my tribe's men get ahold of the name. We are just a little bit crude and uncivilized, at times.)(Let the previous side note be my first disclaimer and warning to anyone that might read this...Given our "little bit crude and uncivilized" nature, you may find some comments a little bit crude and uncivilized. If you are easily offended, you might want to stop reading now and just look at the pictures.) (Side note #3...if you fall into the aforementioned category, you probably shouldn't look at the pictures either!)

Ugh...Ok, I'm already rambling...

Back to my story. I had been telling Dicky how much I would love to have my own little camper to cutesy up in the back yard. As it happened, the very day I found my little jewel I had again been trying to convince him how cool it would be. I logged onto Facebook, for the fiftieth or so time that morning, and THERE SHE WAS! On the Scurry County Garage Sale page. "Trailer for sale" "Make offer"! Of course two or three others had commented, but the seller had yet to reply, so I commented, then sent a PM to Carmen, my new friend and previous owner. I didn't hear back from her for a while, so I assumed she had already sold it to someone else.

Bailey and Brant were here, but about to head home, so we decided to follow them home to Abilene and check out the Buffalo Gap Trade Days. (They still live in Abilene, but are moving back soon because I'm getting a GRANDBABY!!!)(Just another reason I needed this camper...perfect tea party pad!)

This isn't my grandbaby, or me. I don't have the slightest idea who they are. I'm just imagining it to be the Princess and I!
Well, halfway there, Carmen messaged me back and said I could come look at it. Long story short...she's mine! And we never made it to Buffalo Gap.
As we were getting tires changed and hitched to the truck, two or three other ladies pulled up wanting it. I gave them my very meanest Hagatha evil eye...
Ok...well, I'm typing much more than I have time for, right now. But, that's kind of how this started...I can't wait to see how it comes out! We are going to Lubbock today to get some things to get started.
Lots of Pinterest pins later, I think I've decided on a few specifics...
Turquoise walls, off white cabinets with turquoise accents. Red patterned cushions and accents with some pink and light yellow....OH YEAH! Wait until you see my lawn lounge chair I bought at Canton!
I've got so much to tell you all...I'll get to it, but for now I've got to go get some orders done. (I'll explain later), and get my list of get started supplies.
OH YEAH...wait til you see my chandelier!
Toodles for now!


  1. Great beginning, Shellee! I'm going to enjoy your journey and want to come to your first tea party. Just don't put anything on Pinterest that you don't put here also because I'm not into the "pin" thing - too much for my pea brain! Rosa

  2. Too cute! Some day Chase's kiddo will play tea party there... or will be shooting a BB gun next to it. :-/ hmmm.
