What started as a blog to record the progress of my camper redo, has become more of a journal of sorts.

The mind of Shellee, aka Sommy, aka Bubba, aka Swannie Bob, is not an organized, neat little space. It is, however fun and full of totally bizarre and sometimes illogical thoughts.

Beginning posts will reflect that remodel journey, but transform into an outlet for my rambling mind to unload.

I reserve the right to do a little venting, rambling, bragging, griping, etc. at anytime on issues other than the Hag Wagon! Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah...leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and any ideas or suggestions!

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Well, folks, bad news, or good...depends on your feelings about my ramblings.

For about a yer or so, I wrote a little column for the local paper. "Y'all, but Seriously..." Just a fun ramble of my thoughts. Sometimes sharing stories of how I rationalize my mishaps into life lessons.

New owner and new editors, mean new (old) outlet for me.  I don't know how many people read it, but on the rare occasion I get out of the house, I often run into people that tell me how much they enjoyed and miss it.

Ok. I'm not naïve enough to think I'm some great writer. And maybe they just enjoy reading it, to remind themselves there are real train wrecks out there that don't mind showing the world their freak flag. That'd be me.

Regardless, there are a few that claim to enjoy it. And I enjoy writing it.

I am going to publish those articles here, and hope to write a few new ones.

They may not be published in order of printing, and they may have added or deleted thoughts, depending on my mood and time! Total randomness, like the person that is I. Or Me. Whatever the grammatically correct sentence should say.

So, to kick off my re-kicked off blog ….


I must have been about 17. I had my driver’s license, which made me my mother’s “taxi and errand” service. I can’t remember why, but my sis and I had been in some sort of a tiff. Momma sent us to town for some groceries. Sister was my very, unenthusiastic assistant.

As we got into town, we came up to a man trying to cross the road. I slowed down, smiled and waved him across. He waved his thank you, and we were back on my way to the store.

Sister turned her head, glared right at me and said, “I don’t know why you are trying to be nice. You are FAR from it!”

You had to be there to hear it in her voice to get the full effect. We were mad as hornets then, but laughed about her weak effort at hatefulness for years since.

I was thinking about her today, like most, and that memory popped up. I got to pondering something.

We should always be kind to strangers, right? Why do we disregard that rule when it comes to family? Why is it ok to treat the ones we love the most with less respect than we do a total stranger?

I would have never considered raising my voice to a teacher. I’ve never disrespected a supervisor. As a matter of fact, I’ve had very few cross words with anyone. Notice, I did say “few, and not “none.”

We all get irritated at strangers, at acquaintances and most certainly at teachers, bosses, and co-workers. But never, or very rarely, do we treat and speak to any of those people the way we do to our family when we are mad.

We’ve all been in the middle of a parent/child showdown when the phone rings. The screech of, “I said pick it up!!” is quickly replace with a sweet melodious, “Hello. Yes. This is she.”

I don’t know how it is for you, but in our house, children fight. Parents get irritated. Spouses argue. That’s life. We get mad. We get over it. But in our anger sometimes things are said that can’t be forgotten.

Is it true, familiarity breeds contempt?

Maybe not. Maybe contempt is born from a lack of respect for each other. If our home is our castle, we want to be treated as kings and queens. But we mustn’t forget to be as forthcoming with nurturing and kindness to the rest of our royal court. And we should remember, the words we choose can be forgiven, but not unheard.

Y'all, but seriously...“Lord keep your arm around my shoulder, and your hand over my mouth.” But when my hubby gets peanut shells all over the couch, or he “sprinkles when he tinkles”, well, Katie, bar the door! I don’t mind sharing my thoughts.

These are the people we love. The people that love us. Keep spreading those kindness seeds all over the countryside. It’s the right way to be. But save the best to plant in your own yard. After all, they are the ones who truly share your excitement to see them bloom!

Stretchmarks and wrinkles

Just thinking about my stretch marks. They are so incredibly and beautifully made. 

My stretchmarks allowed my babies room to grow. It allowed them to thrive in the womb. To develop into a beautiful and healthy baby. My skin stretched to it's limit. Yet, in contrast to any other material, it never burst. It continued to stretch to make room for the amazing beings that were growing inside, leaving in it's wake, a roadmap of the journey in which I was about to embark. 

I jokingly attribute my gray hair and wrinkles to the raising of those two babies. In actuality, it is not far from the truth.

You see my wrinkles are merely stretchmarks. Stretchmarks from allowing my children to grow outside the womb. The frowns and cries, the smiles and cheers, stretch my face leaving it looking wrinkled and used. My own experiences and celebrations. So many ups and downs through the years have created the lifelines in my cheeks and around my eyes. 

My gray hair coincidentally appears at a rate similar to the crevices and valleys in my face.   I imagine my skin is stitched with the strong, thick, silver strands.  As the years pass, those strands pull and grow, at the same time unraveling my face, leaving behind, the wrinkles that are increasing in depth and length. 

I no longer pull the grays. They are the ropes I climbed to get through the hard times. 

Each glimpse in the mirror is a reflection of all that I have been through. The wrinkles a reminder of the growth I've endured throughout my life. Watching and allowing my children to grow into amazing adults. At the same time, stretching my own limits, growing within myself. Experiencing my own, personal challenges internally, and within my marriage and other relationships.  Becoming more the person that He wants me to be. 

Yall, but seriously...Life is filled with so many ups and downs. We were created in such a way that though we may feel, at times, that we might burst with sadness. Or pride,. Or happiness. Or anger. We never do. 

 Allow yourself to feel those emotions. You will not burst. You will grow. You will stretch. And yes, you may end up with a few extra gray hairs and wrinkles. But when you look in the mirror, remember the ride that you took to get through each valley, and to climb each rope. 

Celebrate the wrinkles, and grays and stretchmarks. They are what is creating the YOU, you are meant to be.

"I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works., And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14