What started as a blog to record the progress of my camper redo, has become more of a journal of sorts.

The mind of Shellee, aka Sommy, aka Bubba, aka Swannie Bob, is not an organized, neat little space. It is, however fun and full of totally bizarre and sometimes illogical thoughts.

Beginning posts will reflect that remodel journey, but transform into an outlet for my rambling mind to unload.

I reserve the right to do a little venting, rambling, bragging, griping, etc. at anytime on issues other than the Hag Wagon! Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah...leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and any ideas or suggestions!

Monday, April 30, 2018

Oh my goodness! I've had really, really good intentions of getting back on the blog wagon. But what is it they say, "Even the best intentions..." something, something, something.

Ok, so I really don't know what they say. 

Well, actually, I know Huey Lewis thinks that "they say the heart of rock n roll is the beatinnnnnn....a!" And from what I've seen, I believe them. 

See, I'm not entirely clueless. 

Aaannyhooo...I decided to get back to blogging. When I look back at all that has happened since I last posted, I'm amazed at how much my life has changed. 

I may list all those changes in this post. I may not. I guess I'll decide when I get there. Or when I get to the end and don't. 

I also think I'll probably change the name of the blog...but I need some suggestions. 

One thing I have been doing, the thing that has led to my jump-starting my blog...I'm doing a little free-lance writing for the local paper. (That sounds pretty fancy, huh?) (Don't be deceived. I think Julia both feels sorry for me,yet, likes to see the train wreck I produce every week.) (Love you, Ju Ju!)

I am having a good time with it. It's called "Y'all, but seriously..." It's pretty silly most of the time, and talks a lot about my chickens (which you may know nothing about, since I haven't filled you in on the last year-plus of changes in my life.)(One of the best, obviously, is that I am now a full time chicken mom.) (Shout out to my Lola and Goose!)

So, I think, to keep up with my columns, I'll start posting them here, maybe included in my blog update. Maybe in place of an update. Since I started back in January, I won't be taking away from the surprise in the paper each week. (Yall really need to subscribe so you don't have to wait!)

I have a ton to do tonight...like get my life together, so I think I'll cut this short...

Posting my first "Y'all..." below. (And to add an update, before you get to it...naked lady sold!)

Comment and let me know what you think? 
(Didn't list the changes...I'll work on that.)

Yes, I’m a junkaholic. No, I don’t need help.
I love junk. I love the hunt for an awesome, rusty, chippy, piece of good ole junk.
When the “white sales” are going on during January, and the clearance racks are full, so the stores can get ready for the latest trends, don’t look to run into me. I will be at the thrift store, or garage sale. You may even pass me on the side of the road, by the dumpster, snagging that perfectly good table someone discarded for trash pick up.
I’m not alone in my love for the old and discarded. I have many “junky friends”. But for those of you that don’t understand our love for the unloved, maybe I can shed some light. I hope you soon find yourself junk-intrigued.
“Blessed is she that saves furniture from dumpsters, for she shall embarrass her husband and children, but have amazing projects.”- Jennifer Allwood
Are we cheapskates? Maybe, to a certain extent. Why buy it new when you can find “pre-loved” and give it another chance? Anyone can go to the hardware store and buy an aluminum pail for $10. We’d rather go through the pile of decayed metal and pick out the rustiest one to take home for free.
Sometimes we do come across something worth good money. I once sold an old $10 blender for $400 on ebay. True story! However, my naked bathing lady ashtray, is still waiting on the perfect home.
Don’t judge. She’s really quite tasteful.
There is a thrill in the hunt for finding a really great relic. Almost every wall or shelf in my home has something with a used soul. The stained glass behind my television that came from an old home here in Post. The artillery box, from a man’s garage in Meridian, that belonged to his father. My latest find…a 4’ x 3’ painting propped up in my bedroom that I found at Old Mill Trade Days for only five dollars! Yes, it’s huge. No, I don’t know where to hang it. But it’s awesome, and unique, and it was ONLY $5!
My junk-padres and I share the same love for rust. We love wondering about the history of the items we find. Who did it belong to? How did they feel about it? How did they possibly part with something so fabulous? There is something comforting about the rush we feel finding these treasures from simpler times.
We often find ourselves at the same rummage sales, running for the same glorious piece of scrap. Some of the items we collect remind us of simple times past.
My hubby was once irritated by my need for impromptu stops on road trips. He says I can spot a florescent green yard sale sign, 10 miles away. However, after a few years of really good finds, he has finally come around. Our vacations are often planned on where the really good junk or antique stops are along the way.
But most important, we scavengers actually provide a public service. I’m no tree hugger, but you have to admit that we, as a society, produce a lot of waste. Therein lies the need for our passion. We recycle, reuse, and repurpose those tossed away items, otherwise meant for the landfill. We cringe when someone says they “just threw it away,” when we knew we could have done something really cool with it.
Let this be a plea to all you non-junkers. When you feel the need to declutter, clean out those barns, or piles of trash, don’t toss it into the dumpster. Call one of your junk loving friends to help you sort the trash from the treasures! We may just change your mind about tossing it at all!