What started as a blog to record the progress of my camper redo, has become more of a journal of sorts.

The mind of Shellee, aka Sommy, aka Bubba, aka Swannie Bob, is not an organized, neat little space. It is, however fun and full of totally bizarre and sometimes illogical thoughts.

Beginning posts will reflect that remodel journey, but transform into an outlet for my rambling mind to unload.

I reserve the right to do a little venting, rambling, bragging, griping, etc. at anytime on issues other than the Hag Wagon! Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah...leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and any ideas or suggestions!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Vaca in the Rockies!

I'll go ahead and get it out of the way. I have no camper progress to report. I'm sure you assumed that already since I haven't blogged in a while. But we have had some good things going on to tell you about. 

I started a writing a couple of times. Now I'll have to either delete and start over, or leave it and hope I don't lose you in the timeline....how bout the latter?

    (Insert date here)
(I can't remember what day Mother's Day fell on, but that's the date to insert)(Today is going to be kind of a 'do it yourself, cause I'm on vacation' kind of a blog.)

Happy Mother's Day all you Muthas! I didn't get to see my babies, but I talked to both. I got to see my momma! And had a nice relaxing day doing pretty much nothing.
Dicky put up my awesome kitchen junkin lights. Annnddddd......drumroll, please......put the new tire ON my camper!!

Also, I have to add to my last post...(Again, do it yourself date insert, since u don't remember the date of my last blog, either)We spent some time with our kids in Lubbock on last Saturday (not yesterday, but LAST week)(not actually LAST week. Refer to previous parenthesied notes). We(we, as in, Dicky, I, Bailey, Brant, AND Chase and Bekah...the whole Odom herd) went to JoAnn's to look at patterns and fabric for sweet baby Halle's baby bedding. My neglect in mentioning that part of our weekend may have had something to do with the fact that, as we sat down at the pattern book table, Dicky and Chase proceeded to try to order queso and beer. Loudly. Then Dicky started taking selfies of our whole group.

Have I mentioned that they have no polite "indoor" voices? I did teach my kids better, but let's blame Dicky's loudness on HIS momma, since she can't defend herself here! (Love you, Ree!) 

We tried to ignore them, and finally got them to move down the block to Caprock Cafe, but...Dicky soon came back. As we are standing at the fabric counter, Dicky begins, or rather attempts, to entertain the obviously unentertainable hagatha that was cutting our fabric. I tried to send him to check out the stock of dingleberries for my camper curtains. WRONG thing to do...rather wrong item to send him for. But that is what they are...right?

Anyhoo, we found the cutest fabric for the baby. And I bought my own dingleberries for my curtains, and the little western pillow you probably saw on Facebook. 
    (Insert date here)(let's just call it fast forward to a week or so later)
The next door house is finally moved!
It was pretty exciting, and a little sad, watching the house you've looked at for the last 30 years roll off on its own. Probably how some parents feel when their grown children finally leave the nest. Bittersweet. Maybe a little more sweet, than bitter, depending on how long the nest was full. :) 
Dicky's started on the clean up. And will be working on a new fence soon. 
I just love a man with a jackhammer! :)

       (Insert date)(I'm on vacation! I don't have to know the date until tomorrow...geez!)
I guess I'll break the bad news. We are moving to Colorado.  
Yep, folks. If that's all it takes to get some rain in West Texas, we are loading up the Hag Wagon and heading to the hills! It even rained on in CO, but it evidently drains off pretty fast in the mountains. I looked out my window yesterday morning and look what I saw! 

The lost ark floated up and dry docked beside our hotel.  
Didn't see much wildlife though. Well, not the kind you might think would come off an ark. However, if you haven't heard, wacky tobaccy is legal in Colorado now.
We didn't see any very obvious signs of that law in Greeley, where we were visiting on the first part of our trip. And by obvious, I mean, no "Weed for Sale" signs in windows, etc., that I noticed. But Donna, Jana, Teresa and I were just moseying around inside TJ Max. I'm admiring all the pretty dishes and such, when there, sitting on the shelf beside chip and dip plates...

I used to think TJ Max was the "bomb"...now I'm gonna call em the "bong". 

Our trip to Colo has been a blast. We went to see Miss Megan graduate, and got to do lots of visiting. You know any time Dicky gets to singing he's REALLY having a good time. The best was Steven leading us all in his back porch rendition of (I'm apologizing in advance for putting this song in your head...)"YOU DONT HAVE TO CALL ME DARLIN...DARLIN..."
All the neighbors lights came on, and I think the dogs are all still howling, but I really do think we sounded pretty good! 
There were some more serious moments as the discussion turned to the travesty of it being legal to own an ak47 assault rifle (or is an Ak47 a jet?) but only being allowed to hunt a duck with three shotgun shells. Sometimes I think smoking laughing grass is a prerequisite to being in a governmental, law making capacity. 

Shopping, pedis, bbq, visiting, movies, singing... we really
hated to leave, but had a really good time. Bill, Connie, Greg, Kerri, Donna, Ernie, Steven, Becky, Jared, Katelin, Andrew, Scott, Megan, Billy...it was soo good to see y'all! And Teresa, John, Johnny, Jana and Jason, happy to call you all newly adopted family! (I hope I didn't miss anyone! 
So we left Greeley headed to Estes Park, and found ourselves spending most of the day in Fort Collins junk shopping. 

Let me just interrupt this intoxicating recap of our vaca with a observation I noticed though our trip, but my husband may not have...
This cup is me...yes I am very much a "Cup of Joy". And at times, can be pretty hot. So use caution. I won't specify what kind of hot...but I AM often hot. This message was flashed at us several times in various places. I don't know if Dicky already knew it, or just missed the signs altogether. 
Did you see this one, Babe?

OK...Back to the story...Estes Park is really pretty and we were excited to go there but after getting started Junkin, we just couldn't stop!!

In our happy place! 

We did find a lot of neat goodies! But my fav...or rather favs...my Raggedy Ann dolls. At $2 and $3 each, how could I resist?? Then, the last place we stopped had a whole RA section! I had to hurry to make my selections there before I was caught. (I only came home with five!)

Our dogs finally started barking pretty loudly, so we headed on out to Estes. 

No, silly. I didn't take my dogs. None of them. And believe or not, no one has called yet to report any of them as escapees. We are ready to see them, though! 

(Whew... This has become quite a long blong....oops, blog. See, it's not just my dogs barkin...I'm tired! )

So we got to Estes Park. I really wanted to go through the Stanley Hotel.
If you aren't familiar with the Stanley, it's where "The Shining" was filmed and is supposed to be haunted. I wanted to stay there but Chicken Dick said NO. So then I thought we could  at least go tour it. He ho hummed around about it all day, very non committal. 
After we had dinner and most of the shops were closing I mentioned maybe we could do a night tour. 
Scaredy chicken tittie baby. We didn't go. REDRUM REDRUM

Next morning, up and attem. Off to Blackhawk via the Peak to Peak hiway, byway, bypass, something another. Very pretty drive. There were a few little towns between there and there, so we just took our time and explored a little.  

Real eye candy for any legit junker can be found in Ward, Colo. OMG the junk they were sitting on! EVERY home had some sort of make-shift lean-to built-on made out of every type of collector's metal known to man. Old signs, antique furniture, trucks, doors, windows, and so on, and so on. 

We tooted on into "town" (I use the term "town" VERY loosely). One road in, same road out. We stopped and went into THE store. Let's just say there were eyes following us out of every picture and deer mount on the wall. A lot like you would think Hotel California would be, only with long haired, bearded hemp-, Maui Wowie-, puff the magic dragon-growing looking folks peeping out all the peepholes at us. I wasn't scared. Dicky, however, was concerned we might never be seen again if we ventured any further. 

So on to Nederland we went. Very cute little town. HOWEVER...I believe this was Ward's outlet for the fruits of their labors, if you know what I mean. Remember how I mentioned we saw no sign of weed being sold in Greeley? For all you doobie lovin brethren, Nederland would be the place to go. No, we didn't buy, or partake, nor did we even go in anywhere it was being sold, but it was really odd seeing cannibis retail signs up everywhere. Kinda groovy dude!

Hurrying my loooonnnnnggggg story on, we finally made it to Blackhawk. Love it! Cute little mining town transformed into casinos. Dicky won over $700...coming home with $600. I...well, did I mention I found some raggedy ann dolls in Fort Collins? 

      (Insert TODAY's date)
So we are almost home. In Amarillo, actually. We have a nice time in some beautiful country. But I'm really glad to finally be back in the land of the Toot n Totum.
When the MaryJane toking genius that named the popular Colorado convenience stores comes out of his smokey fog, he's not gonna be happy to realize how ugly the "Kum and Go" sounds! I'm really appalled! Ewww!

Hey, Dicky!!!
I still don't think he got it! You would have thought the 60 degree AC would have done it.

And no, we aren't really moving to Colorado...although I would love to. It's so beautiful, and such nice people. They could give we friendly West Texans a run for their money!

"...you never even call me by my naaammmeee!" (Didn't want you to quit singing so soon!) 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

TIREd...I'm just TIREd. :)

Do you know what this is? Yeah, a tire. A flippin tire. I'm supposed to be impressed with the progress on Glampy-Poo when this is ALL there is to show. According to my darling hussy, my update should have started out....Hey look yall!! I got a tire!! 

No, it's not on the camper, but by golly its on the wheel. That's something, now isn't it? Psssshhhhh....whatev, you man-hag. (I'm just a tad irritated with my lack of assistance from my man. Can you tell?) I'm so disgusted, I wasn't even going to blog this week, but I'm trying to get over it. 

Ok...so forever the optimist...lots of good things did happen this week! 

First, coolest story. (the story might not be as cool as the actual experience, but I'm gonna tell you anyway.) The next door house moving is going kind of slow lately. But the moving dude has done enough that the fence has had to be partially removed, thus making our captive dogs more like free spirits! I know in my heart that Saucy (young Golden Retriever) would be very much a free spirited hippy if she were human. Sam (OLD Lhasa Apso), on the other hand, 

Only with a little more hair. 

So my optimistic (I'm trying to convince myself) self gets a knock on the door Friday morning...early. 

The lady at the door, "Yes, excuse me, but I am an abnormally early riser and I just happened to be roaming blocks and blocks away from my home, and passing yours. On foot. I just saw these two dogs and thought to myself, 'Self, Shellee has only one or two dogs, so what are the chances these two could be hers?'" 

(I'm standing peeking around the 1/4inch opening in the door trying to hold the closest blanket I could find around my teensy tiny gowned body.)(My gown wasn't teensy tiny, I was trying to allude to the fact that my body was teensy tiny.)(Yes, I know my body is not really teensy tiny, but I'm still feeling a little sarcastic due to the fact that I only have a tire to show for two weeks of potential working time.)(Like anyone would be able to see past my morning hair to notice my teensy tiny body, OR gown.)

She continues, "So I decided to knock VERY loudly, as to wake up not only you, but any other dogs that might be sleeping inside, as well as your mother-in-law across the street, your parents on 13th Street, and all the inmates at Dalby, and ask if they were your dogs." 

Ok...I'm being silly, I really did appreciate her telling me my dogs were out...WHO let the dogs out? Whho, whoo whoo.(Yeah, I had to go there.)

So anyway...making a short story long...I threw on some clothes, after attempting to peek off my porch and yell for the two mongrels a few times, and finally found them across the street over by my office. 

Ugggghhhh...you know what? This is really a lame story, so I'm not going to bore you, after all. I'll just share the picture of the cute little mouse I met during the Great Dog Chase of Friday morning. He had such a good time with Saucy, that he stuck around all day so I could save him from being run over, time and time again. 

I named him Squints. Original, huh?
I think he was still stoned from the night before. Little hood rat. 

Hey Squints...where'd you go, Buddy?? 

So, the rest of Friday goes along fairly blah, as do most of my days. Work, home, dinner, bed, Netflix. I watched an extra episode of my current series obsession, since tomorrow was to be Saturday, and I could sleep late. 

So I'm in the middle of a really good dream, that I don't remember, because I never remember my dreams, but I know I was in the middle of one, because I was asleep, until I was woken by a loud, booming, KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. 

Seriously???? Yes, seriously. Early Waking Walking Woman has a husband. Yes, he lives blocks away with his wife. Yes, he knocks every bit as loud as she. Yes, it was every bit as early, maybe earlier. Yes, I was every bit as teeny tiny and lovely morning haired, but didn't bother to grab a blanket this time. You get what you deserve, people. Wake me up once, shame on you. Wake me up twice...it's your own d*mn problem getting the sight out of your head. 

"Um yes, I'm sorry to bother you, but I was just up at Stripes, and there was a dog up there. My wife said you had dogs that got out yesterday, so I thought I'd check to make sure it wasn't yours." 

REALLY???? You are up at the buttcrack of dawn, (yes, I said buttcrack) on foot, at Stripes, on a Saturday, (at the buttcrack of dawn did I mention) and see a dog and randomly think...'Oh, this must be Shellee's dog, because she has dogs."

It wasn't my dog. So smiled politely, thanked Mr. Buttcrack of Dawn Waker-upper, closed the door and at looked at him through the back of the door like...

...went back to bed for a bit, got up, cleaned house, and went to spend the day in Lubbock, NOT working on my camper. 

BUT....the optimistic icing on the cake for the weekend! Did a little junk shopping with my mom and dad, and man-hag (I'm still irritated.). Went to the Goodwill Pound store. LOVE IT! It's like the grab bag of thrift stores! 

I was just a digging up a storm and broke my nail wayyyy down in the quick. Yeah, ouch. But that didn't stop me. I held that sucka up above my head to slow the bleeding and continued to dig one handed! I found what may be my best find ever!!! 

Yes! It's a soccer ball trophy! And it's heavy! Not a cheap plastic thing. It's make of real wood and some kind of glass, with gold leaf on it. I think it's like fine china or something really expensive. The gold leaf is flaking off, but that's ok, because I have a really fantabulously awsome plan for this pretty!! I'll try  get it done soon, so I don't keep you waiting too long. It's gonna be a surprise. If anyone needs a brass plate that says "First Place Baptist Church 2009", let me know. I won't be using that part of it. I might even part with it for free. 

I found some other goodies, too. There's a cute little "naked-woman-in-a-bathtub" ashtray that I picked up at another thrift store. It sounds bad, but it's actually very tasteful, as far as "naked-woman-in-a-bathtub" ashtrays go. She holds cigarettes between her toes. I'm sure a lot of time and thought went into the design. I'm not posting a pic of it, since some may be offended, but I've listed it on my Etsy shop if you are interested in purchasing it. Or just send me a message and I might make you a deal! But I have to say, first come first served. I only have one, and I can't play favorites. 

Dicky asked what I wanted for Mother's Day...bwwwwahhahhahhahhaaaa ...opened yourself up for that one didn't ya babe! 


Well...This was, once again, a lame boring, no progress Glamper update. But on the bright side...it IS an update! Maybe it's a little spark underneath the buttocks of my darling cupcake to get his rear in gear! 

Ok...well until next we meet...get crafty and make something! Toodle-loo!!