I always thought the resolution thing was a big mistake, but I got to thinking about it. Actually you say "This year I resolve to..." I still have 360 days to get it all done! So the fact that I have two accomplished, really puts me ahead of most of you!! :)
Know what else? I'm kinda sick of being back in the groove already. Not because of anyone or thing in particular, but it was really nice sitting at home, no fixing my hair, getting dressed, or not, not talking to anyone all day.
I'm buying some fur coats from garage sale to make some pillows. Who doesn't like a nice fur pillow? Dicky, obviously, because he thinks I'm crazy. But what does he know? HE's crazy. So BOOO!
Day 9 (January 9). Hair doesn't look so bad today. I put out an effort, so #25 is still in effect. I stopped myself from saying a naughty word today, once. So #6 is in the works.
Practiced on #3,7,13,19 and 20, all at one time. Well...that backfired. I'm not giving up on those, just on the subject that I tried to use them on. Some people don't want love, just attention. It's sad, huh?
My fur didn't come through yet. Boo....
Now...I have a REAL delima. I took my wedding ring off one day during the holidays, when I had to go to the doctor. Put it back on, and now I'm wondering...wasn't the engagement ring part supposed to go closest to your heart? Or is it the other way. It just looks funny. Any help out there? Also...how do you spell delimma? I could GOOGLE for both answers, but I'm really trying to get this to be more of an interactive blog.
Give up...dilemma. Ok there. A lot of help you were. |
Have you noticed the duckface selfie is making a come back? I'm soooo happy! I was embarrassed before, not quite the outgoing hipster that I am now. So I never got to participate. But now, I've decided if all those little hip chicks can do it, why can't I? After all, 46 is the new 26, right?
(For all you young chickadees, you may be younger than me, but you do look every bit as ducky. Might want to rethink that profile pic.) Random act of kindness for the day!!
You know what I've decided...the Centers for Disease Control are Freak Flag Instigators.
They say the "proper" way to wash your hands is to scrub through the time it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice. Have you heard that? OK...I do that. But I seem to be the only one.
First of all, when I get to the part where you insert the birthday person's name, I get stuck trying to remember whose birthday it might be that day. Secondly (because if you have a first, you HAVE to have at least a second.), my hands get all pruned by the time I get through it twice, since I waste that extra time thinking of names. And I say nameS, because if I'm going to sing it twice, it may as well be for two different people. I don't want to waste a song on the same person twice.
And third...people look at me like I'm a major weirdo singing (and dancing, because that's how I roll when I sing the happy birthday song) in the bathroom in Hobby Lobby, Cotton Patch, Lowes, or where ever. Then I have to face them again when I come out of the bathroom, at which time they have already gotten back with the rest of their party and told them about the weirdo in the bathroom, and they've gathered close by to point me out as I come out of the door.
OR...at the doctor's office, when there is only a one seater, and it's located in the lobby. It's not my fault the walls are paper thin. It's not like I pooted loudly or anything. I was just washing my hands.
Although...what's the deal about pooting in the bathroom. Name one person that doesn't pass gas. Where are you supposed to go when you have gas? (If you are my dad...you crop dust right behind my mother, then rush ahead of her when there are people coming around the corner.) (Sorry parentals, but he did get a kick out of that one.) (Or how about the time Dicky and I were shopping for ties in JC Penny and a LOUD one escaped, then I couldn't help buy laugh, which only allowed more to escape. The poor little lady shopping beside us almost broke her neck hurrying away!) (TMI again?) Sorry, I have no filter today.
So, anyway, I'll start my letter of complaint...
Dear CDC,
Please find another song for us to sing while washing our hands. The general public does not seem to enjoy "Happy Birthday to You."
I've decided flamingos aren't my favorite anymore. Ostriches are! Because I'm bad axx like this guy!
And my precious grandbaby finished her first craft project. She was HA-PPY! She's a natural!
Day 13...forget this resolution mess. 352 days to enjoy myself. And I'll warn you before you read any further, I'm feeling rather random today.

They say the "proper" way to wash your hands is to scrub through the time it takes to sing the "Happy Birthday" song twice. Have you heard that? OK...I do that. But I seem to be the only one.
First of all, when I get to the part where you insert the birthday person's name, I get stuck trying to remember whose birthday it might be that day. Secondly (because if you have a first, you HAVE to have at least a second.), my hands get all pruned by the time I get through it twice, since I waste that extra time thinking of names. And I say nameS, because if I'm going to sing it twice, it may as well be for two different people. I don't want to waste a song on the same person twice.
And third...people look at me like I'm a major weirdo singing (and dancing, because that's how I roll when I sing the happy birthday song) in the bathroom in Hobby Lobby, Cotton Patch, Lowes, or where ever. Then I have to face them again when I come out of the bathroom, at which time they have already gotten back with the rest of their party and told them about the weirdo in the bathroom, and they've gathered close by to point me out as I come out of the door.
OR...at the doctor's office, when there is only a one seater, and it's located in the lobby. It's not my fault the walls are paper thin. It's not like I pooted loudly or anything. I was just washing my hands.
Although...what's the deal about pooting in the bathroom. Name one person that doesn't pass gas. Where are you supposed to go when you have gas? (If you are my dad...you crop dust right behind my mother, then rush ahead of her when there are people coming around the corner.) (Sorry parentals, but he did get a kick out of that one.) (Or how about the time Dicky and I were shopping for ties in JC Penny and a LOUD one escaped, then I couldn't help buy laugh, which only allowed more to escape. The poor little lady shopping beside us almost broke her neck hurrying away!) (TMI again?) Sorry, I have no filter today.
So, anyway, I'll start my letter of complaint...
Dear CDC,
Please find another song for us to sing while washing our hands. The general public does not seem to enjoy "Happy Birthday to You."
OH...it says hum. So I'm an over achiever. |
Speaking of pooting. Am I the only one that still gets tickled when I hear the name Vladimir Putin? Poor guy. How hard it must have been to grow up with the other boys teasing him, "Ha ha! Your name means fart in English!"
Ok, I'm a tween age boy. But you know you laugh, too! Whew! That's enough gas talk for a while. Or for ever! Sorry. I got a little carried away.
I've decided flamingos aren't my favorite anymore. Ostriches are! Because I'm bad axx like this guy!
OH...I got the fur coats in! I'm trying to decide if I want to make pillows, a throw, or some nice winter shorts for Dicky for his birthday. |
Maybe they whole outfit. I can picture him in this, can't you? |
I've got to share my recent crafties, then I'll stop the randomness for today. And my precious grandbaby finished her first craft project. She was HA-PPY! She's a natural!
Toodloo for now! Go do something crafty!
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