Not a lot of progress to report this week. Smokin Dick has been busy and working late for the last two weeks.
I NEED windows and electricity and I'm at his mercy waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and...
You think this is supposed to be me, don't you. Ha! I don't wear heels! Gotcha!
I'm trying not to nag. But it's hard. Had it been up to me, I would have been through WEEKS ago! And he HAS been busy after all. But dang.
Nagging a.k.a. lovingly intended aide-memoire
I did get a few good ideas. Been thinking a lot about what to do to the outside. My friend, Kimmy Lou (No that's not her real name, but if you are my get a nickname, Whether you know it or not. Whether you like it or not. And it's usually not the same every time. But in keeping with West Texas tradition, it will probably end with Lou, -poo, or Sue. And it will always transform your real name to end in the long "e" sound, regardless.). Oh wait...that wasn't a complete sentence...restart. My friend, Kimmy Poo Who, came by earlier today and we gave the old hag wagon a once over. She gave me some super duper ideas! And mixed with the picture Mindy Sue posted to me on FB, by George, I think I've got it! My fav color is PINK...that's all I'm saying about it now. Just ponder.......................
I'm also having to decide on flooring. Buy linoleum, tiles, or carpet, try the paper technique and do some fancy smancy decoupage, or paint and stencil some fantabulous design. I have such a stressful life. So many decisions!
So, what DID I do, since I haven't worked on the camper AGAIN this week?

We also cleaned out junk stored in the house next door, since I think they are going to try to move it towards the end of the week! Yaaa HOOOO!
The junk included our Christmas tree and boxes of decorations. So we had to put it up in the attic, where it should have been put to begin with. So while he was up there, I asked Dicky to get out some baby things I had put up for the kids. Cause I'm having a grandbaby and all. Just incase you didn't know. I also asked him to get down something I've been dying to get my hands back on for a while! Actually begging him to get out for me!
YES! My flamingos!!!!!!!!! I know, I know! You love em, too! But sorry girls, these are mine!
Are you wondering why I had sixteen plastic flamingos in my attic? Doesn't everyone? I've been lead to believe that's where one stores their excess flamingos. Maybe I'm wrong. Regardless, they are free now.
I actually have a craft project to do with one.(Imagine that!) And then I think I may just display the rest of my flock in the Hag Wagon yard.
That last sentence lead me to a wonder. What exactly is a group of flamingos called. Well, according to Mrs. Google, who happens to be the authority of all strange and curious wonders I have, a group of flamingos has many collective nouns. They can be correctly called a "colony", "flamboyance" (my favorite), "flurry", "regiment", or a "stand" of flamingos, But do you know what I call them?

Dicky won't let me put them in the front yard. He's just jealous it wasn't his idea.
So, since no progress to post, and I already blogged once this week, I guess that'll be about all I'll ramble about tonight. I do have real ambitions to get a few glamper things done this week. I just had to get some piddly projects out of my way first. And I kind of needed to dig a path through the house I've so pitifully neglected lately.
Hey...wait! I got a new vacuum! I won't say too much except that it's the BOMB! And we are some nasty ass people! (Yes I said ass...but you didn't see how much that machine sucked up out of my floor. We are nasty ass!) (or we I have a bad ass vacuum) (oops...ass again. I guess that's how bad habits are made. Better watch my language.)
Ok...rambling done...toodle looo!
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