I'm sure by now you've all seen the infamous picture my dear, sweet, darling, loving, thoughtful husband posted of me on Facebook this week. I'm now VERY concerned.
I warned you! There might be some griping, ranting, yada, yada, yada on my little ole blog.)
Let me preface by saying...I'm really beginning to like this blog thing. I can voice my opinion. It's my page and no one is forced to see it, because it only shows up on anyone else's screen if you click on the link. Yall really should try this...or maybe I'm the only one willing to fly my freak flag so high! LOL
So do Shellee's parents.
Actually I didn't really care. I don't personally post that kind of thing for the world to see. But no harm done, really. I could have made him take it off, or better yet logged into his FB and taken it off myself.
My problem, you ask? Get to it, get to it! Well, it's not really a problem. More of a concern.
Ok, admit it. We are all excited to see that "Liked" number raising on our Facebook posts. Even more fun to have actual comments. If you say you don't get at least a little, wee, tiny bit happy, then YOU, my friend are a HYPOCRITE! :( (Don't be offended...I've decided that maybe that isn't necessarily a bad thing, given that I am now seriously concerned about my own hypocritical status.)
That being said...Dicky's picture received SOOOO MANNNYY "likes" and comments. Most in my defense. But this is what concerns me.
1. Did you all like it because I looked sooo good sitting in the middle of my front yard covered in paint? Good hair day, maybe?
2. Did you like my finger in general? Take away the fact that it was my middle finger, we do all like cute little chubby babies. Why not my chubby little middle man?
3. Were you just cheering me on because I was giving Dicky the what for? He does deal out a lot of fun misery to most everyone he knows.
or 4. Were you just shocked that SHELLEE did something so appalling? You thought I was a MUCH nicer, more Christian person than that?
Soooo...if most of you chose #4, then what does that say about me? Am I a hypocrite?

Ok, admit it. We are all excited to see that "Liked" number raising on our Facebook posts. Even more fun to have actual comments. If you say you don't get at least a little, wee, tiny bit happy, then YOU, my friend are a HYPOCRITE! :( (Don't be offended...I've decided that maybe that isn't necessarily a bad thing, given that I am now seriously concerned about my own hypocritical status.)
That being said...Dicky's picture received SOOOO MANNNYY "likes" and comments. Most in my defense. But this is what concerns me.
1. Did you all like it because I looked sooo good sitting in the middle of my front yard covered in paint? Good hair day, maybe?
2. Did you like my finger in general? Take away the fact that it was my middle finger, we do all like cute little chubby babies. Why not my chubby little middle man?
3. Were you just cheering me on because I was giving Dicky the what for? He does deal out a lot of fun misery to most everyone he knows.
or 4. Were you just shocked that SHELLEE did something so appalling? You thought I was a MUCH nicer, more Christian person than that?
Soooo...if most of you chose #4, then what does that say about me? Am I a hypocrite?

According to this definition...#2 specifically, then maybe.
I'm mortified to have discovered this could be the truth of me.
My friends know me. They know I'm far from perfect. I really try to be "what you see is what you get", in all aspects of my life. Sometimes successfully, other times not.
I'm mortified to have discovered this could be the truth of me.
My friends know me. They know I'm far from perfect. I really try to be "what you see is what you get", in all aspects of my life. Sometimes successfully, other times not.
But now I feel I have to defend my poor, trampled honor.
I'll say it again...I honestly do try to be ME. I don't follow the trends, for the sake of following. I don't claim myself to be a straight, Bible quoting, no-sinning Christian. (Although, shouldn't we all strive for this?)
BUT! I AM a Christian. And I think a good person.
A very special person, in the heat of the moment, once told me, "You think you are so perfect." She couldn't be more wrong.
I am very critical of myself, but try to live my life honestly and in a way that would be pleasing to God. Do I always succeed? Absolutely not.
I love my God. I am a very spiritual person, but maybe not so religious. I love inspirational sayings, scriptures, lessons. I listen to contemporary Christian music. I "think" about going to church on a regular basis. (Seem to be failing in that department here lately!)
I like to post happy things on my Facebook status. I like to post inspirational scriptures and quotes. Mostly for my own enjoyment, but if someone else can be uplifted from it, then so much the better!
I don't lie. PERIOD. I don't cheat, steal, do drugs, etc.
I don't say hateful things to people. (Not intentionally. I have more than a few times found my self wondering what in the world made me say that, after a visit with someone.) Actually I'm very hard to offend and have to be provoked quite a bit to actually voice my irritation to anyone.
If you return my smile, I'm your friend. I've very silly, and though I have a sensitive, thoughtful side, I prefer to keep it light most of the time.
I cuss. I flip off my husband from time to time (only when we are playing, but usually put it down before he snaps the picture).
I drink alcohol occasionally. Accidentally heavily on one or two occasions. Oops!
I listen to rock-n-roll and rap music. (Oh for shame! )
There are people and things that I don't particularly like. I voice my not very nice opinions about those things to my closest friends. I DO NOT post it in public forums.
So does this make me a hypocrite (AKA Hippo from this point on)?
I smile at the people I don't like. I ask them how they are and listen when they tell me. I see no need in being hateful to someone simply because we are different and they may do things I am not crazy about.
You aren't going to see me drinking, cussing and swinging on the stripper pole in public. I try to be polite in polite company. (Also, I'm not a stripper, so the latter doesn't apply even in un-polite company.)
You aren't going to see me drinking, cussing and swinging on the stripper pole in public. I try to be polite in polite company. (Also, I'm not a stripper, so the latter doesn't apply even in un-polite company.)
My very next post may be a picture of Dicky and I in our outlet/plug costume for Halloween. (****GASP**** for shame! Was that really Shellee?) OR Dicky's post of my finger.
All this being said, Dicky's stupid picture has had me worried about what people really think about me. I asked a sweet friend (Don't worry, Belia, I'm not telling who you are.) "Do you think people think I'm a prude?" She honestly said, "Yeah. Well not those of us that know you. But maybe someone that doesn't know anything about you." I am so glad she was honest with me.
Do I care? I often say just that..." I don't really care what people think about me." But I do. So do you. Admit it.
Someone posted something to the effect that " a grandmother shouldn't be doing that kind of thing." But Halle, and all Swannie Bob's future grandbabies are going to know the real Swannie Bob. Not cussing and finger pointing, of course,(at least not until they are old enough to know "do as I say, not as I do" LOL)
To think a silly little picture, a joke between Dicky and myself, shared with all of you, has had me so disturbed. Good gosh... I AM a freak!

Sunday Hag Wagon update still coming!
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