Once again, Miss Glam Camper has had no attention this week. I really don't know why, but I guess we needed some rest from Easter weekend, and never quite got there. And Smokin Dick has been neglecting his hobby, so we made a trip to Copper Breaks State Park for a cook off.

Momma and I relaxing a little.
The 7th Annual Horned Toad Cook-off. This is our fourth year. Got in some good visiting with Jimbo and Jamey from Sayre OK. (Saw the Fox's and the Strange's, too, but not enough visiting time with them.) It's been about a year since we've seen them. No better folks anywhere and I'm tickled to call them good friends!
So how does one cook a horny toad? Well, it's not a requirement to be in the running for Grand Champion, as is the case in the Wild Hog Cookoff at Crowell, or the Buffalo Wings at Buffalo Springs (wild hogs are pretty easy to come by around here, but those flying buffalo are not quite so simple to spot! Or catch.)Since it IS a smoking competition, you would think you would smoke it. But, as in the buffalo wings comp, you can cook it any way you like. So we fried ours and sauced them like we do our wings. 
Tastes like chicken.
Ok, ok...we didn't really cook HORNED toad. But we did have a bad bootie fish fry Friday night and Jimbo served up some alligator tail. I was skeptical, but it was really good!
Awwww...poor little gator. |
Dicky did great at the cook off. Walked in every category, but didn't place in the money. Win some, lose some, huh, Babe? (He was Grand Champion last year.)However, My daddy, Jim Dandy Barbecue, won 1st place in Ribs! We are pretty excited!!! Go Poppo!!

He had a pretty tasty brisket, too!
Let me just tell you about the rewards of being a good wife. (Karma...good karma comes to those who are good wives.) So this weekend I really had junkin on my mind. Checking out every town we passed through on our way to Copper Breaks, hoping there would be some good places to stop. But I decided, "No, this is Dicky's weekend." (I'm talking to myself.) "I'm not even going to mention it."
So Friday morning we decided to go into Crowell and grab a breakfast burrito. I've got to back track a little. Our first year at the Crowell Wild Hog Cook-off, Pattie Dixon and I found the best junk/antique shop. I found some neat old picture frames and she bought a really nice antique desk. Well, every year I look for this guy, and didn't find him. I thought he had closed down after the first year. Well as chance would have it, his place was across from the cafe and he was still there, and open!!

I was going to keep my word to myself and told Dicky I would just run over while he was waiting on burritos. So Jamey and I ran across the street, but I guess I have passed on the junkin bug to him, cause he came over, too.
The old man was still just as nice as before. He has lots of old fans. This was his mother-in-law's fan and he said it was from the 40's or 50's. Still works. Can you guess where it's going? He told us about a garage sale going on down the street. (Of course my deal with myself was off by then.)
An older lady was selling not just garage sale stuff, but (you got it!) junk! She has a booth at Canton and was getting rid of a few things she didn't want to carry with her.
I know these may not look like much to you, but these made my week!! Good karma, ladies!
I think Dicky and I are becoming Sanford and Son reincarnate. He being Sanford, and I, of course, being Lamontt (with maybe a little Aunt Esther mixed in.)
I'm going to apologize for the boring update, but it really was a good week, even with no camper work. We did camp, so I guess that kind of counts, right?
My goal this week? Electricity, of course, if I can get Sparky Dick busy. And maybe curtains! Read me up next week and see!
Have a fun and crafty week!! Toodly Poodles!