I am quite silly, I know that. But hey, look who I came from, live with, and birthed. You've heard the old saying, "It's hard to soar with the eagles, when you are surrounded by turkeys"? (I love how my auto correct just tried to capitalize "Eagles", my all time favorite band!)
I don't mean all my family are turkeys, and I'm some majestic bird, trapped in the gobble pen. I just mean to say they are all pretty funny, life loving folks. They are very decent and proper when appropriate (mostly), but not over "politically correct"ly stiff and serious all the time. Therefore, even if I had a desire fly that way, it ain't gonna happen. They'd quickly tether my talons back to the real world that I know and love.

That being said, from time to time, and really very little time between, I realize that in a vote by those near and dear to me, of my rafter (that's turkey talk for flock) I should say, I would probably be elected "Most Likely to Gobble."
So, here I am, at now 3:09am, thinking about my wobbling, gobbling personality. Wondering as I'm hanging out with my turkeys, should really be with the flock of gooniebirds.
Earlier this evening, Dicky and the kids are sitting in a quite, not so playful, too much fun the previous night, "I'm tired and really just want to sit here", dazed, it's been a long day, but we really want to hang out kind of mood. But me? Nope. Celebrating my dvd player set up success in interpretive dance. Football style "excessive celebration" toss of the remote control. Singing an impromptu diddy for whatever I need to say, so it will make Halle smile. Best come-backs, put downs in a favorite family competition, that I didn't even notice no one was playing but me.
Never did it occur to me that they may be wondering if this was when ole Swannie Bob was finally going to keep going straight off the deep end.
Not until now, at 3:20 am. I'm fighting off the wave of nausea from too many corn chips with my Mexican dinner. When many people take the opportunity to mull over the days happenings, or wonder what morning will bring. I'm thinking about and worrying about the same things, but...it's 3 in the flippin morning. I have the "Happy" song playing in my head. And I'm tapping my foot and wiggling my head dancing to it. Dicky is snoozing quietly (for s change) beside me, Gracie has taken over my pillow, since I'm not using it at the moment, and I'm all "clap(ping) along if (I)feel like a room without a roof". (only makes sense if you know the song.)
Sorry, now I know I've got you singing it. But is it 3 in the morning? And even if you are up at this time, are you ACTUALLY singing, clapping, or dancing?
I know, I know, I'm being a bit over dramatic about the deterioration of my sanity. But I am wondering, are they really worried that Swannie's going crazy? Or rather I'm worried.
I've been thinking a lot lately about how fast we age. As kids we can't wait till our next birthday, as young adults we could really care less, and as middle aged fogies, we start to wish they'd slow down and not come around quite so often.
And of course with age, comes the slow, or fast, breakdown of our youthful qualities. Both physical and mental.
I think about the people with Alzheimer's. How horrible it must be to be trapped in a mind with its own will, letting you out only for brief periods, and eventually none at all.
But then there are those "crazies" you see out living on the streets. I'm using the word "crazies", only because that's what so many of us, of sound mind (or so we assume) think of them. You know who I mean. They scream and argue with the invisible foe in the trees. They tell strange tales that no one seems to understand. They dance and sing in public to songs no one can hear but them....
That last one is what gets me. I do that! Not just at 3:00am. Not just to make my grand baby smile. Not just when I'm being silly. But ALL THE TIME!
I catch myself dancing while I'm crafting and things are going together well. Music actually playing or not. I shake my bootie when I'm cleaning the kitchen, I have been known to bust a move brushing my teeth in the morning. Or just moving from room to room, doing regular ordinary, not especially exciting kind of things, all turkeys do. (Ever wondered why it's not spelled turkies?)
So am I becoming a tree curser crazy lady? Have I been one all along, and I'm experiencing one of those moments of mental clarity and am only briefly realizing it? Am I crazy for even putting this out there and (semi)publicly questioning it.
Therein brings another question, that I also often wonder. Are yall reading because you like my style of silly, or is it the proverbial train wreck you are watching for?

I went back to sleep. Slept til 10:30 as a matter of fact. I've changed my mind. I'm not crazy. No worries. (Yes, I'm sure you beg to differ.)I'm just a little eccentric....Yeah, that's it...I'm eccentric. I like that word.
I just found this awesome blog...I think this person is inside my head!!
Sorry for the plagiarism, but I had to steal...
I'm eccentric. No, i mean it comes to me very naturally. I think of people i haven't met for along time and make up imaginary conversations in my mind, envisaging what it would be like to have bumped into them all of a sudden. I fall in love with people without knowing, buy them things for the sake of nothing and then at times stop and tell myself that may have been too silly.
That takes me to another issue. I think i have forgotten how to make friends. I mean close friends. Remember when we could sit with someone, chat with her and then realise that we were made for each other and would go back to one another for everything. Well, even if that could be a short stayed relationship and we may realise that we arent actually pieces of the same jig saw puzzle, at least the initial part of socializing came naturally. Now, i have to painfully make it up. Sigh!
There was a time when I did not know anything about myself and was really happy. (well not necessarily happy that i was clueless about it, am pointing towards the blissfulness of now knowing about the not knowing). Years later, I am still trying to understand myself and now since i know about the not knowing, im not happy. Get the point?
Guess it's time to go for a shrink. My poor new blog has become a garbage bin of sorts. :)
Did I really just pay $3 to finally pass level 765 on Candy Crush? I'm officially one of THOSE people. It was only 99cents for more lives. That's all I needed to get that ONE jelly block. And I've been on this level for-ev-er! But then I realized those 5 lives were not going to give me the moves I needed either. So $2 more bought me some lollipop hammers to take that sucka out!
Don't judge. If you could have seen that little blue candy just sitting there tormenting me with that one little bit of jelly behind it, you would have done the same! It HAD to be done, even if it cost me $3 to do it.
I went back to sleep. Slept til 10:30 as a matter of fact. I've changed my mind. I'm not crazy. No worries. (Yes, I'm sure you beg to differ.)I'm just a little eccentric....Yeah, that's it...I'm eccentric. I like that word.
OOOOHHHH I really like this explanation! |
I just found this awesome blog...I think this person is inside my head!!
Sorry for the plagiarism, but I had to steal...
I'm eccentric. No, i mean it comes to me very naturally. I think of people i haven't met for along time and make up imaginary conversations in my mind, envisaging what it would be like to have bumped into them all of a sudden. I fall in love with people without knowing, buy them things for the sake of nothing and then at times stop and tell myself that may have been too silly.
That takes me to another issue. I think i have forgotten how to make friends. I mean close friends. Remember when we could sit with someone, chat with her and then realise that we were made for each other and would go back to one another for everything. Well, even if that could be a short stayed relationship and we may realise that we arent actually pieces of the same jig saw puzzle, at least the initial part of socializing came naturally. Now, i have to painfully make it up. Sigh!
There was a time when I did not know anything about myself and was really happy. (well not necessarily happy that i was clueless about it, am pointing towards the blissfulness of now knowing about the not knowing). Years later, I am still trying to understand myself and now since i know about the not knowing, im not happy. Get the point?
Guess it's time to go for a shrink. My poor new blog has become a garbage bin of sorts. :)
Did I really just pay $3 to finally pass level 765 on Candy Crush? I'm officially one of THOSE people. It was only 99cents for more lives. That's all I needed to get that ONE jelly block. And I've been on this level for-ev-er! But then I realized those 5 lives were not going to give me the moves I needed either. So $2 more bought me some lollipop hammers to take that sucka out!
Don't judge. If you could have seen that little blue candy just sitting there tormenting me with that one little bit of jelly behind it, you would have done the same! It HAD to be done, even if it cost me $3 to do it.
True confessions! :( |

Is it time to change my choice in music? One of my new favs..."Shawty, I don't mind if you dance on a pole. That don't make you a ho." Is it bad if I sing this to Halle to get her to sleep, since she doesn't know the words? I do love Usher, and though I am a little disappointed with his lyrics, I still can't help but like it. Here's the Youtube, incase you haven't heard it. I think you will be quite impressed.
Well, I didn't quite succeed in my same day publishing goal this time. That was all from last week. Since then, I earned the title of "Most Comments on a Facebook Post IN Post Poster". Just a little drama episode over this Chris Kyle movie.

It was a good movie. Did I "like" it? No. I don't like to be reminded that there is a not so pretty world out there. But it was a good one. And I think everyone should see it to be reminded what's going on right now...as we sit stuffing our faces, watching the Superbowl and laughing at the commercials.
But I wonder, when they decided to make it, if they knew what kind of friendships would be lost and tested over conversations about it. I won't get into it all again here. Or I might..here I can have the last say! But it doesn't really matter, in my mind I'm right. And since this is my blog, unless you can hack in and change my story, CHRIS KYLE IS A HERO!
I do not "worship" him. But he is a hero in my eyes. He didn't choose to go to war. He didn't want to kill another human being (I hope), but he was given a job to do and he did it. He could have put out his less than best effort, been given a poop job, and hid out from the action. But he didn't. Nor do so many other military heros!
![]() |
I think a few of us have this handy on the top shelf. |
I do love West Texas! Here you are more than entitled to your opinion...but you better keep it to yourself, or you might get a bootie whoopin! God. Country. Family. Mess with ours, you're gonna answer to the toe of our cowboy boots.
I do think it was mostly in fun. There may have been a few that got real "bootie feelings". But I bet most are over it by today. But the fact that we are able to post and comment publicly our disagreement or displeasure of a choice made by our government, is proof enough that our military are heros! Were it not for them, we could be hiding our Bibles and keeping our opinions to ourselves.
Those freedoms have opened up a few loopholes for the extremists, though. A country based on God, but it's not fair to the atheists that we celebrate Him. Just one example, and I don't want to start another debate. But I think a few of us provided some good entertainment for several Saturday morning.
Why do people get so irate over a difference of opinions? It's not like either of your opinions are going to make a difference in what's already happened. Just share your views, agree to disagree, and move on.
We "simple" folk aren't impressed with yer fancy werds and Googled facts. I don't care if you can properly use the word "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" in a sentence. (dum, diddle diddle diddle dum diddle dee,...singing again!) (Google THAT...all you young uns, and stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it!)
Do you want to know what impresses me? Have a REAL conversation about what's the best sewing machine, do you prefer canned biscuits or tortillas for chicken and dumplings, do these socks go with my eyeshadow. Give me a REAL conversation, with useful information I can take back to the real world with me and actually use. THEN I'll be impressed.
On a much more serious note...my grandbaby has TWO teeth now! We got to baby sit her last night while her momma and daddy went out for a while. She asked me if she could just live here, but I don't think her parents are going to let her. Her momma won't let her have tea. I won't say how I know, but it is one of her favorite drinks! She does think it's quite yummy, right out of the cup!
Other than the drama, Saturday morning. I've sewn my brains out. I'm making more throw pillows for the old Hag Wagon. The more the better...when I'm done it's going to look like a pillow ball pit!
Ok, this is getting a little long, and out of control. A little to much seriousness for my liking. So I'll sign off and get ready for the new work week!!
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