My new goal is to finish her up by the time we open the shop.
For those that do not know, Smokin Dick is putting in a "shop" by the house. We keep calling it the shop, since we are really not sure exactly what we are going to do, or how.
Have you ever known someone that opened a store without knowing what they are selling? No? Well now you do!
Our original purpose was to have a place for him to cook and package his Smokin delish smoked cheese. I planned, and still plan to put some of my Queenie Bee's items for sale in there as well. But as soon as we posted our very loosely made plans, everyone has decided it is to be a restaurant.
So, we may try to incorporate a little cookin', too. We still really just don't know.
What I DO know is that I am ready to get it open! Dicky has been working on it, building on, and building on, and building on again! Hopefully it won't be too long. I think once we get the building finished, we can decide what kind of "shop" we want to open. That's the way you do it, isn't it? :)
So, some awkward news! I knew it...for 48 whole years...has been a total and complete embarrassment.
past tense: finagled; past participle: finagled
- obtain (something) by devious or dishonest means."Ted attended all the football games he could finagle tickets for"
- act in a devious or dishonest manner."they wrangled and finagled over the fine points"
I love the word finagle. I use it a lot. Please do not mistake me as an actual finagler, however. I am always on the up and up and would never try to finagle anyone!
But I, Shellee Odom, Swannie Bob,(actually Sommy,but we will discuss that later!) in all my scholarly intelligence, after multiple unofficial (and actually non-existant) degrees in Proper Pronunciation, Spelling and Grammar Usage from the University of I Used to Think I Knew it All, have been pronouncing the fun and spunky word "finagle" wrong for 48 years!
At 48 years old, I finally started to wonder why everyone but me said it wrong.
Look above at the pronounciation...see that ā ? For those that may not read dictionarian, that means "AAAAAAAAYYYY". Like Arthur Fonzarelli used to say.

But me? No...I said fin-ag- in Ag shop. And in my Texan accent, almost sounds like "finEGGle". And as much as I can't stand to be grammatically incorrect...I just CAN NOT say "fināgle".
So I guess I am a finagler, after all. A finagler of the English language. Although, now I'm wondering about the word's origin, too. To which, by the time I type this line, I have already googled, and now know. But I'm not telling you...I can't do EVERYthing, now, can I? Googling is good for your soul...look it up and report back to me. That's your assignment!
If, at this point in my social media career, you haven't gotten sick of my rambling, and hidden all my posts, you have probably read about my newest adventure...TURTLE ranching!
Just for a little back ground...I decided it would be fun to have some turtles, just hanging out, living in my back yard. What I would REALLY love is to have one of those giant dudes! I remember riding one when I was little and it was TOTALLY AWESOME!!
Don't get me wrong. I don't want a turtle to ride. If I tried to ride a turtle...even a giant would look like a deeply buried stepping stone after I sat on it.
I just think they are cool dudes.

Ok...Curry turtles are a whole other story, so I will have to tell that one later. Back to my turd-tale...
So I keep four. two females, two males. Or at least they were born that way. I didn't ask them for their identity preference. That's just too much for a new turtle mom to worry with right now. The went through several names, and now I can't even remember what they were, except for one of the males. He has only three feet. Four legs, but only three feet, So I named him Yardstick. Pretty ingenious, I thought.
Fast forward a forward from when I got them...actually rewind from today...we went out of town a few days and Chase took care of the little turds while we were gone. He couldn't remember anyone's name, and other than Yardstick, with the whole only three foot thing, couldn't tell them apart. So he started calling him Lieutenant Dan. Kind of a cruel thing to do...but also kind of catchy, so we stuck with it and renamed everyone else in the Gump family...Jennie, Momma and Forest.
It has been fun so far, but I have had a heck of a time keeping up with them, since Turtle Paradise is only 3/4 finished.
Well....what you DIDn't hear or read on Facebook...we have a new addition!! Bubbles Gump! And let me tell you...Forest is IN LOVE! The first day on the right side of Turtle Paradise...and this morning under the tree on the other end of Turtle Paradise. I have pictures to prove it! I'm not sure if I should post them here. My daddy is ashamed that I am sharing turtle porn. And Bailey told me that it is definitely not Facebook appropriate, but it's really pretty interesting. So, we'll see...
(The following was an unpublished muse from sometime or other during the last year...Guess I'll get serious for a few minutes. )
I read a post from a friend talking about what a black hole wondering was, and the negativity that can bring. Her post was about a conversation she was having with another friend, so I was not privy to all they discussed. But it did get my mind going as well.
How many times do you get caught unawares by a situation, respond unprepared for the confrontation, only to go home and think "I should have said blank", or "I wish I had told her blank"? Or even wish you had NOT said whatever it was that came to mind at the time?
On the flip side, how many scenarios have you developed in your mind, to be prepared for those occasions? time so-in-so says this, I'm gonna tell her time this happens, I'm going to do blank.
Never, or should I say rarely, are those pre thoughts for our positive experiences.
"Next time she tells me my hair looks good, I'm just going to tell her 'Thanks, girl."
So my wondering, which we have determined is a black hole of sorts, is, why do we want to be prepared for the negative? Why do we want to appear ready for a fight? Why is important to plan to be the victor?
If my positive experience reactions are more sincere when spontaneous, why would my negative not be?
Someone close to me did just this last's office had mixed up a previous appointment, so it had to be rescheduled. So her plan was to call first thing, morning of the appointment and make sure it was still correct. Ok..that's not really a problem, but she had also planned out what she was going to say and do if there was another mistake.
Is it seriously that important to be prepared to attack someone that might make two mistakes in a row?
I really think, considering it had happened before, that if it did happen again, and I was surprised by it, I would not be nearly as surprised as I was the first time, therefore a little more prepared as to what I should say or do. And do I really want to be ready to attack someone, that probably didn't think ahead to prepare for my attack? Make them feel small and go home feeling like they should have said "___"?
When I think about how I want to make people feel, inferior is not even on my list. Neither is slow, dumb, incompetent, etc.
If I felt so strongly about the situation, maybe I should plan on how to nicely approach them about how to keep the situation from happening another time. Otherwise, my blood pressure gets up, theirs gets up, and everyone's day is ruined.

No, I'm not perfect. I've reacted, post-acted and pre-acted all kinds of situations in my mind. I've planned many a quarrel. But maybe I need to start concentrating on how to react in a positive way, regardless of how it is going to be accepted by the other party.
So. I want to be a responsible, productive, successful adult. I really, truly do. But I also really want to stay home, take naps, eat brown sugar from the bag and do crafts all day.
***** I have to ask a question. My sweet grandbaby, Halle Bug, has decided that my name should be "Sommy" as opposed to "Swannie". Ok, I love it! And boy do I love her! But now the title of my little bloggy woggy is not accurate. Also, It's not really all about my Hag Wagon most of the time, either. So, yall throw me some ideas for a new name for the Blog. Assuming any of you can decipher my ramblings enough to even get to this point in the writing.
Comment on my Facebook, or comment here on the blog comment section. Just HELP! Please!
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Oh yeah...I need an investor... I'm going to open a corndog batter on a stick factory. BEST PART of a corndog EVER!! |
So I thought about it and decided though maybe not FB appropriate, I know you are all curious and probably won't here...(not suitable for children...or those with a low tolerance to nature...or prudes...or anyone else that doesn't like to see pictures of turtles "doin' it".
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