What started as a blog to record the progress of my camper redo, has become more of a journal of sorts.

The mind of Shellee, aka Sommy, aka Bubba, aka Swannie Bob, is not an organized, neat little space. It is, however fun and full of totally bizarre and sometimes illogical thoughts.

Beginning posts will reflect that remodel journey, but transform into an outlet for my rambling mind to unload.

I reserve the right to do a little venting, rambling, bragging, griping, etc. at anytime on issues other than the Hag Wagon! Hope you enjoy!

Oh yeah...leave me a comment. Let me know what you think and any ideas or suggestions!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Dude. That's just wrong...

Just because I was thinking about it, decided to do a small non-camper related blog. 

So here are a couple of things that are just wrong...

I love getting pedicures. I love the feel of my chronically crusty heels all smooth and soft. I love the pretty fresh polish on my toes, because I can never get them so smooth and nice looking. I love the hot wax on my legs and feet, so soothing. 
What I don't love? The sweet, smiling oriental girls/guys making small talk across the salon, in their native tongue. 

OK, now before you attack me for dissing these girls for not speaking English, I do realize that some do not know English. I understand that. I am ok with that. And I do think it's cool the way they can talk to each other across a large room with very quiet, little "...ting", "cha-ta...", "...nih..." noises that they can both hear and understand, in spite of the room full of people between them. 

But when this sweet, smiling, cute little girl is sitting, working on my feet with the cheese grater that she's already had to empty twice on the first toe and "ching, ta, crusti, he he heels, ya ya, ooo, ooo, yuk ee woo...he he he", to her co-worker across the room, I start feeling a little self-conscience. 

I think there should be a translation chart on back of the pedi menu card. Or a set of earphones that connects to an auto translator. I know that there is no way they are not talking about the condition of my feet. I mean, come on...they are MY feet. I know they are crusty. Why do you think I'm here. 

That's just wrong. 


Something else that's just wrong...

Mother, Bailey and I had a booth at Trade Days today. We didn't have a ton of customers, but we had a good time. The weather was nice, A little sunny at times, a little cloudy at times, but really very nice. We were on the "good" side of the street, so we got just enough sun to keep us warm. Again...a really nice day. 

Like the good little rule followers we are, we waited until after 5:00 to shut down. That's the rules. So that's what we did. Mother and I were tired and wanted to head on home, but Bailey and Brant were going to stay for the parade. By the time we got though packing up, it was almost time for it, so we decided to stay, too. 

It was a lighted parade, so it was right at dark when it started. The fire engine blares the sirens to signal the start of the procession, so I'm ready! I was surprised, and even mentioned it to someone that was sitting beside me, that while the floats had lights on them, they were not lit up very well. You couldn't see anyone on them very well, or tell how they were dressed, or who they were. 

Over all, a good parade. Lots of entries, lots of people there to watch. 

So it's over, and I finally get to back out of my parking place and head home, I remember that I'm supposed to go by and check a friend's mail for them. I'm driving around thinking...dang, I really don't see so well at night anymore. Maybe it's just because I was downtown in the sun all day. Almost missed friends' house. It was so dark, and their porch light wasn't on. But I found it, nonetheless, and headed home. 

I walked in the house and set my stuff down. Went to the bathroom to check myself out in the mirror. You know, to see how wild my hair was, how good or bad it looked while I was out in public donning it all day. Did I look like a goof all day, or was I still feeling ok with morning primping efforts? (Yeah...smirk if you want, but you know you do it, too.)(Pants on fire if you say you don't!)

Anyway, I'm walking in and look into the mirror..................

 Really???? You don't have a problem joking and teasing about anything else. You didn't mind telling me I didn't need to be dancing to the Christmas music earlier in the day. You didn't mind telling me I did NOT need to be singing along as loudly as I had been. You didn't mind making me take my naked-Southern-Bell-between-the-toe-cigarette-holder ashtray off the table of sale items.

But to question me about why I might feel the need to wear sunglasses at 8:00 in the evening didn't cross your mind?  No one bothered. No one. Although they did tell me the asked each other why the other thought I was still wearing them. They discussed it, more than once, looking at me dancing and waving to Santa on the firetruck, but didn't think they might want to mention it to me. 

ON SO MANY LEVELS...that's just wrong! 

OK, maybe not wrong, but definitely awkward. 

I'm sure there will be more on this topic later...but right now, these are some of my top wrongs...today.